OK, I’ll admit it. Before I found Ms. Catherine Sothern’s site I don’t think I had ever heard of the term “neck torc” much less known what they are. But now that I have, I can say with great certainty that they are an essential addition to every chic and fun wardrobe.
Catherine is an eco-fashion designer who believes that, “discarded and often beautiful off-cut fabric samples deserve another life.” And from that, her gorgeous neck torcs and bibs are born.
She hails from the land of Ireland and brings a contemporary look with a vintage feel to her pieces. Her neck torcs and bibs are handmade originals and she uses incredible accents such as vintage beads, buttons, vintage lace, fresh water pearls, fox fur and handmade rosettes.
Below are a few of her stunning neck torc designs. They truly are beautiful, and those bibs are an extremely popular style right now. Be sure to mosey on over to her site and check out the rest of her original designs.
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catherine sothern designs neck
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“The pleasure of seeing the finished piece inspires me to create the next.” — Catherine Sothern

I really love supporting smaller designers who hand make all their pieces. There’s a very personal realness about something made from the hands of a recognizable face. It gives pieces more of a story.
Imagine opening up an entire closet filled with hand-made originals every morning. Your clothes would be 100 percent unique and 100 percent alive with their character and history. That’s how clothing should be!